M.O.N.T || 몬트
MONT : 국가대표
Members of the National Team
몬트는 2017년 JTBC 믹스나인에 출연후 '강화돌''유기농아이돌' 등의 수식어가 생기며 화제를 일으켰다.
이후 2019년 1월 '사귈래말래'로 정식데뷔후 현재까지 약 20곡이상을 발매하며 꾸준한 활동을 이어가고 있다.
80%이상 대부분의 곡을 직접 작사작곡편곡을 멤버들이 담당하며 프로듀서팀으로서의 입지를 강하게 다지는 행보를 보여주고 있다.
미국, 유럽, 남미, 인도 등 19개국 이상의 해외콘서트를 자체적으로 기획 제작하여 성공적으로 마쳤으며,
대한민국만세,독도는우리땅과 같은 대한민국 독립과 역사에 관한 곡을 직접 작곡작사하여 발매함으로서 전세계 팬들에게 올바른 대한민국 역사를 알리는데에 앞장서고 있다.
After appearing on JTBC Mix Nine in 2017, M.O.N.T made headlines with keywords such as "Gangwha Idol" and "Organic Idol."
Since MONT’s official debut in January 2019, they have released more than 20 songs and have continued their steady activities.
More than 80 percent of the songs are composed by the MONT members, showing a strong potential as a producer team.
MONT has successfully planned and produced concerts in more than 19 countries including the United States, Europe, South America, India, etc.
MONT has composed multiple songs commemorating Korean independence and helping to spread the knowledge of Korean history to worldwide fans.
2018/05 || SORRY
pre-debut digital single album || 공식 데뷔 전 디지털 싱글앨범
2019/01 || GOING UP!
first mini album || 첫번째 미니맬범
2019/08 || 대한민국만세
digital single album || 디지털 싱글앨범
2019/08 || AWESOME UP!
second mini album || 두번째 미니앨범
2019/10 || 독도는 우리땅
digital single album || 디지털 싱글앨범
2020/10 || LISTEN UP!
third mini album || 세번째 미니앨범
2021/04 || BOTTLE
digital single || 디지털 싱글
2018. 04. 02 M.O.N.T in Israel first concert
2018. 08. 11 M.O.N.T in Brazil concert
2018. 11.11 M.O.N.T in Poland Warsaw concert
2018. 12. 04 M.O.N.T in India Nagaland concert
2018. 12. 26 M.O.N.T in India Manipur concert
2019. 02. 17 M.O.N.T in Sweden Gothenburg concert
2019. 03. 29 M.O.N.T Global Tour - Colombia Bogota
2019. 03. 31 M.O.N.T Global Tour - U.S.A Los Angeles
2019. 04. 02 M.O.N.T Global Tour - U.S.A Dallas
2019. 04. 04 M.O.N.T Global Tour - U.S.A Atlanta
2019. 04. 06 M.O.N.T Global Tour - U.S.A New York
2019. 04. 07 M.O.N.T Global Tour - U.S.A Chicago
2019. 04. 11 M.O.N.T Global Tour - Poland Krakow
2019. 04. 13 M.O.N.T Global Tour - Poland Warsaw
2019. 04. 15 M.O.N.T Global Tour - Germany Cologne
2019. 04. 18 M.O.N.T Global Tour - Spain Madrid
2019. 04. 21 M.O.N.T Global Tour - France Paris
2019. 04. 27 M.O.N.T Global Tour - Belgium Brussels
2019. 04. 28 M.O.N.T Global Tour - Italy Millan
2019. 04. 29 M.O.N.T Global Tour - Norway Oslo
2019. 04. 29 M.O.N.T Global Tour - Sweden Gothenburg
2019. 05. 01 M.O.N.T Global Tour - Helsinki
2019. 05. 01 M.O.N.T Global Tour - Helsinki
2019. 09. 21 M.O.N.T in India Tour - Bengalruru
2019. 09. 23 M.O.N.T in India Tour - Mumbai
2019. 09. 27 M.O.N.T in India Tour - New Delhi
2019. 10. 07 M.O.N.T in Indonesia - Jakarta
2019. 11. 01 Attention Korea with MONT - Brazil_Sao Paulo
2019. 11. 03 Attention Korea with MONT - Argentina_Buenos Aires
2019. 11. 05 Attention Korea with MONT - Brazil_Recife
2019. 11. 08 Attention Korea with MONT - Colombia_Bogota
2019. 11. 10 Attention Korea with MONT - Mexico_Los Mochis
2019. 11. 11 Attention Korea with MONT - Mexico_Mexico City
2019. 11. 23 Attention Korea with MONT - Poland_Poznan
2019. 11. 24 Attention Korea with MONT - Poland_Warsaw
2019. 11. 27 Attention Korea with MONT - Germany_Berlin
2019. 11. 29 Attention Korea with MONT - Bulgaria_Sofia
2019. 11. 30 Attention Korea with MONT - Germany_Essen
2019. 12. 01 Attention Korea with MONT - France_Paris
2020. 02. 20 Attention Korea Encore - Sweden_Malmo
2020. 02. 21 Attention Korea Encore - Denmark_Copenhagen
2020. 02. 23 Attention Korea Encore - Norway_Oslo
2020.10.22 M.O.N.T Listen Up! Online Showcon